FairShare .98 represents a significant improvement in my FairShare utility for Red Ryder Host BBS system operators, bringing more ease of use, increased flexibility, and superior reporting functions when compared to version .92. I'm sorry a new version has taken so long; in fact, when I had to go back in and work with code I hadn't manhandled in 8 months, I was REALLY sorry.
FairShare automates the process of SYSOP upgrades and downgrades for use of the system. I created it because I grew tired of manually making changes when users complained they had uploaded files, but still had reduced access to the system. Fairshare allows a SYSOP to set an Upload/Download ratio, assign an upload value to public messages, set a grace period exempting new callers from support requirements, and maintain a 'superuser' class which is exempt from the contribution requirements set. Once these parameters are set, and saved to disk, a SYSOP simply runs the program, selects the userlog to update, and walks away. Everything is automatic, and a series of reports is generated showing status changes, uploaders and freeloaders, and a master 'Fairshare' list, suitable for display on the system.
Version .92 had a bug which reset all super user time limits to the highest programmed limit. They should have been left alone, and this has been fixed.
Occasionally, a user who was given a fairshare at one of the percentage break points 'fell through the cracks' and was incorrectly downgraded. This has been corrected.
Version .92 calculated messages twice when developing an upload equivalent. This made a minor difference in the overall FairShare, but it's been corrected.
Some users experienced printing problems with version .92, expecially when printing to an AppleTalk network and the LaserWriter. Unable to correct this problem, which seems to be inherent in Microsoft Basic, I removed the concurrent printing function and added a Print option on the Files menu. This uses the Macintosh Print Manager, so should print fine to the LaserWriter, and does print to an AppleTalk Imagewriter. However, as formatting leaves a lot to be desired, I suggedt using a word processor to print out FairShare reports.
System Error when opening a UserLog:
I hear infrequent reports of this, and have even managed to get it to happen occasionally here, but it seems rare and cannot be duplicated with success. No bombs on an SE with 68020, 1 Bomb on a Plus with 2 MB Ram, then it worked fine. I'll keep working on this. The bombs I was able to induce were non-fatal to any file, however:
Better Interface:
All Fairshare Setup functions have been incorporated into a single screen.
More Flexibility:
You can specify which folder your report files should be written to, as well as the File Type (creator) of those files. This will let you double click them and open your favorite text processor.
Your messages to users, contained in FairShare reports, now contain the name of the BBS if you supply it.
More Reports:
In addition to the FairShare report, you may now generate an Uploaders report, a Freeloaders report, an Upgrades report, and a Downgrades report. All reports are selectable in any combination.
In addition, you can alter somewhat the report format. You can choose to display reports without the User Number, and/or in a First Name, Last Name format.
Adding these features brought a few tradeoffs, most notably in speed. There has been a noticable slowdown when the SYSOP chooses to have all reports generated. The program is managing 7 disk files and screen output simultaneously, as well as handling some complicated qualifying tests, so things are slower than with .92. However, Caching seems to speed things up a bit.
Fairshare is simple to operate, so I won't spend a lot of time on instructions.
To get up and running:
Place FairShare, Fairshare.Help, and FairShare.Set in a folder.
Run Fairshare.
From the FairShare menu, select Set Up Fairshare.
Supply the name of your BBS.
Supply the Pathname for your report files. This line must end in a Colon.
Enter the number of downloads which you will allow for every upload.
Enter the number of public messages which are equivalent to an upload.
Enter the user level above which Fairshare will make no changes (Superusers)
Enter the grace visits allowed users before Fairshare will adjust status.
Below those entries, you will see a set of five "Brackets" of support. You
must assign a user level and time limit for each bracket. Users whose fairshare falls within the bracket areas will be assigned automatically to the corresponding time and access.
Set the Creator for your report files. Common types are WDBN (word) MACA (Macwrite) QED1 (QUED) or simply TEXT.
Set the report and display options offered by the checkboxes.
Click the Change button.
This makes the settings effective for this session only. To save them, select Save from the files menu (or press command-S). You will hear three beeps indicating the settings have been saved. FairShare will now use these settings as long as the file FairShare.SET is in the same folder. If the file is misplaced, FairShare will create a blank file.
From the Fairshare Menu, select Calculate Fairshare. If you have not previously selected a Userlog from the Files menu, you will be prompted to locate one. You may also be asked to confirm your settings. If so, click the Change button.
When Fairshare is ready to proceed, it will ask for confirmation.
Fairshare will display a progress screen showing each user as processed. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE PROCESS AT THIS POINT OR DATA FILES COULD BE DAMAGED.
FairShare will stop automatically. You may print files from within the program, or transfer to a word processor or the BBS using the Transfer command.
REMEMBER to rename the backup userlog you just updated to Userlog so the BBS can see the changes.
A brief help file is included. If not in the same folder as FairShare, you may be asked to locate it if you select Help from the files menu.
Fairshare is (C) 1987, 1988 by Dave Game. Distributed as Shareware. A $5 fee is requested if you use the program. Users agree to keep the Copyright line generated in the Fairshare master report crediting FairShare.
Mail Checks or Money Orders, Payable to Cash, to
Dave Game
Macceptional Software
8306 Mills Drive
Suite 232
Miami, Florida 33183
Support is available on MacNET(Preferred), GEnie, MCIMail at DWGame
CompuServe at 74176,657
and on my BBS, Check-In (305) 232-0393.
Your comments, bugreports, and suggestions are welcomed.